Visio Divina – Retreats
In the midst of a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to take a step back, recharge, and reconnect with our inner selves.
Soulful Vision retreats offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the present moment and unleash the creative potential of your camera as you explore the intersection of mindfulness and photography. Through the ancient practice of visio divina you will discover how the modern camera or smartphone can be a gift to aid stillness, helping you explore your emotions and ways of seeing, awakening new level of awareness and creative expression.
Our residential retreats are hosted by retreat centres around the UK and Ireland. Framed around a Christian spirituality you will discover the hidden details that often go unnoticed in which we often find the divine. Using light as a metaphor for life you will explore: emotion and colour, metaphor and story, the interplay of light and darkness. We do not focus on the technical although we will help you get the best out of your camera to reflect what you truly see and feel.
No photographic skills are needed, just a smartphone or camera. There is a mindful pray walk each day but for those who find walking more challenging, exercises can be practiced around the house & gardens.
You will receive one printed photo after each prayer walk and a colour leaflet of the day’s exercises. The skills learnt can be used after the retreat, helping you see God throughout the day which builds spiritual and emotional resilience. Silence is kept for part of each day.
Details and booking information for of our 2024 retreats are below.
If you are a warden of a retreat centre and would like to book Steve to facilitate a retreat for you, please contact us.
Penhurst Retreat Centre, East Sussex
Mon 15 to Fri 19 January 2024
Penhurst Retreat Centre, East Sussex
Sat 20 January 2024
Loreto Spirituality Centre, Wales
Mon 14 to Fri 18 October 2024
The Royal Foundation of St Katharine, London
Sat 20 July 2024
Any questions, please get in touch
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to be a good photographer?
No. Modern cameras take great pictures all on their own. Our focus is not on the technical side of photography (although Steve will help if you get stuck) but rather we focus on how we see and being truly present to the things in front of us which we often miss in the busyness of life. Whist we welcome keen photographers onto our workshops, if you like taking pictures on your phone and perhaps sharing them with friends or on social media, you are more than qualified to attend one of our workshops and we would love to see you there.
Do I need an expensive camera?
No. You simply need a camera you enjoy using. This can be the one on your phone or if you have another camera bring this along to the workshop – then you have the choice of which to use. Our retreats and workshops do not focus on technique, but we will help you get the most out of your smartphone or camera.
Does this help with anxiety or depression?
Possibly. We all get unwell at times whether that is a mental illness or physical illnesses. It’s really important you see your doctor if you are unwell as there are many treatments available. There is a lot of research linking mindfulness to better health so our workshops may help you maintain better mental and emotional health but we are not an alternative to recognised treatments. If you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, you must chat to your doctor or therapist before attending one of our workshops.
Is this art therapy?
No. Art therapy is practiced by registered practitioners, often working in mental health centres. There is a lot of research on the health benefits of mindfulness. Our approach helps make mindfulness accessible by showing you how to use the camera you carry around in your smartphone (or a normal camera) to centre in the moment for brief periods throughout your day.
Do you work in the corporate and public sectors?
Yes. We believe our approach has huge benefits for teams and we can provide a dedicated workshop for your place of work. The visual exercises we do help us realise how we all see and approach things differently. This can promote a better understanding of our colleagues, allows problems to be viewed from different perspectives and can build team cohesion which can lead to greater productivity and staff wellbeing.
Do I need to be religious?
No. Most of the major world religions have a contemplative tradition, and our background is found within the Christian tradition and we use a spiritual technique called visio divina. But, you do not need to share a Christian faith to benefit from a workshop. For Church groups and the retreats above hosted by Christian centres we frame our approach within a Christian narrative, and you may find sharing that belief helps, but you are more than welcome if you don’t – your beliefs will always be respected and there is a lot we can learn form one another.